Table of contents

Page title     Page # (for internal use only)    Keywords

About Freecycle    358  (French  504) (Spanish 520)
Common Issues Encountered by Moderators    408    Animals / Car seats / Cross-posting / Food
Contact Us    386    Help / Contact mods
Contents    440 Index / Page list
Copyright and Trademark Use for Canada, Australia or New Zealand    381
COVID-19 Information    388   Lockdown
Do's and Don'ts for Freecycle Moderators    414  (French 510)  (Spanish 522)  #DoLiveLocal 
Don't Fully moderate your group  414  #NoFullModeration 
Donate and Support Freecycle    361    
Events    476
EU Copyright and Trademark Use     380      
Form 990    372  
Formation (Nouvelle)   462 (French orientation, legacy)
Freecycle and Facebook    438       
Glossary    422        Abbreviations
Group Outreach and Assistance volunteers    398    (French  508)  (Spanish  524) (Contact GOA)
Guidelines and Disclaimer 376 Safety / Trademark / Rules French 500) Spanish 528) (translated in wiki)
Help for Moderators 482
Hotwords #396 
How To Use Freecycle    430        Emails / Bounces / Nonprofits / FAQ
Local Moderator Decisions    396    (French 516)  (Spanish 530)  Pets / Landfill test / services / Approving members / New member moderation /
Member reports 486
Mod Help 482
Modtools  480 (French  502)  (Spanish 532)
Moderator Discussion Groups    416     (French 518)  (Spanish 534) FLC / FIOD / Tech Issues Discussion Group / Freecycle Leadership Community
Moderator Resources    392    Mod Manual main page (French 498) (Spanish 536)
Moderator Quick Start    458   Mod application
Moderators and Social Media    436        Cafe groups / Chat groups / Promotional pages / Facebook / Trademark
New Moderator Orientation    390   (French   496) (Spanish   538)
Org chart    418    
Press Room    370    
Previous Privacy Policy    375    
Privacy    323    (French 512) (Spanish 540) GDPR 
Promoting and Building Your Town Group    420        Brochures / Flyers / Trademark / Logo / Events
Recruiting Moderators    426        resigning / co-mods
Recycle links 492
Required files   #392 (This section removed because automatic file sending is not working) 
Reseller Guidelines    410       (translate this)
Sample notices and responses    484    
Scammers and Spammers    412     (French 506)  (Spanish 542)  Spam / Courier scams / Spoofing / Spam Control
Sponsor    360    
StartATown 466  (translate)
Team members wiki  446
Technical problems    400        Ads / Signup problems / Tech problems / Password problems
Terms of Service    352      
Tips for groups that allow pet posts    428       
Trademark, Logo, and Attribution Statement    434        
US Copyright and Trademark Use    383     
Volunteer    373       
Welcome to Freecycle! (and Guidelines & Disclaimer)    424        Guidelines / Disclaimer  Translations here:

All Team wikis (this info to be moved later)
Roles of Teams  444
Information for members of all Freecycle teams  446
Setting up your mailbox 448
Point-Centered Town Groups  450
Town Group Naming Conventions 452
Using Group Admin 454
Team Member Tech Problems 468
Tags: #fcmodman